Anisotropy source



In the phaseFieldFoam/src/fvModels directory, run:

$ wmake libso

C++ Classes

class anisotropySource : public fvModel

Model for applying the anistropy source.


Example usage:

    type            anisotropySource;

    selectionMode   all;

    tau             0.0003;
    kappa1          0.9;
    kappa2          20;


Public Functions

TypeName ("anisotropySource")

Runtime type information.

anisotropySource(const word &name, const word &modelType, const dictionary &dict, const fvMesh &mesh)

Construct from dictionary.

virtual ~anisotropySource()


virtual wordList addSupFields() const

Return the list of fields for which the fvModel adds source term.

to the transport equation

virtual void addSup(fvMatrix<scalar> &eqn, const word &fieldName) const

Add implicit contribution to equation.

virtual bool movePoints()

Update for mesh motion.

virtual void topoChange(const polyTopoChangeMap&)

Update topology using the given map.

virtual void mapMesh(const polyMeshMap&)

Update from another mesh using the given map.

virtual void distribute(const polyDistributionMap&)

Redistribute or update using the given distribution map.

virtual bool read(const dictionary &dict)

Read dictionary.


The unit tests for the fvModels libraries require the Boost libraries (>= 1.69.0). The tests are run in the tests/fvModels/case folder:

$ wmake .. # Build the test executable
$ blockMesh # Create the mesh for the test case
$ ./test_anisotropySource --log_level=all # Run the tests