Solute equation solver

The multicomponent alloy class for solving the solute transport equation.



In the directChillFoam/applications/solver/heatTransfer/directChillFoam/multicomponentAlloy directory, run:

$ wmake libso


Create the alloy in the CreateFields.H file:

multicomponentAlloy alloy("alloy", U, rho, rho2, phi, fvModels, fvConstraints);

Solve the solute transport equations in the energy corrector loop:

alloy.solve(Us, fvModels, fvConstraints);

C++ Classes

class multicomponentAlloy : public IOdictionary

Public Functions

multicomponentAlloy(const word &alloyName, const volVectorField &U, const volScalarField &rho, const dimensionedScalar &rho2, const surfaceScalarField &phi, const fvModels &fvModels, const fvConstraints &fvConstraints)

Construct from components.

inline virtual ~multicomponentAlloy()


inline const PtrDictionary<soluteModel> &solutes() const

Return the solutes.

inline PtrDictionary<soluteModel> &solutes()

Return the solutes.

void solve(const volVectorField &Us_, const fvModels &fvModels_, const fvConstraints &fvConstraints_)

Solve each solute equation.

bool read()

Read base transportProperties dictionary.


The unit tests for the multicomponentAlloy libraries require the Boost libraries (>= 1.69.0). The tests are run in the tests/multicomponentAlloy/case folder:

$ wmake .. # Build the test executable
$ blockMesh # Create the mesh for the test case
$ ./test_multicomponentAlloy --log_level=all # Run the tests